Beth Battrick

Writing services

artsy header image picture of Beth

Looking for words?

Got plenty to say but not sure where to start? I offer writing services. Let me help you bridge the gap between your ideas and your audience with beautiful text.

Clear writing is essential for every field: marketing copy, training texts, procedures and reports all need clean, direct language to secure your idea in the minds of your audience. I believe in the strength of clear, uncluttered language.

I specialise in:

Got something else in mind? Send me an email at and let's talk about it!


Years of editing and writing in the Australian public service and tertiary education sector have given me strong skills in cutting through fumbling, over-complicated language to reveal the strong, clear message underneath.

Talk to me!

If you need strong, sharp text, I can help. Send me an email at and tell me about your ideas and your goals: we'll make it happen.